A bit of history
The association was created as a non-governmental non-profit organization by employees of the former Belarusian Republican Fundation «Mutual Understanding and Reconciliation». This fundation was responsible for the payment of German compensation to victims of National Socialism (including the payment of compensation by the federal government in 1993 and later by the German foundation EVZ) until 2007.
On September 20, 2007 it was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus for the first time as a Municipal public organization of Minsk. Than on October 07, 2008 it was registered as an International Public Association «Mutual Understanding» (MOOV) with estonian branch and already with much more expanded field of activity.

The main goal of the non-governmental association was and still remains a social support for the WWII generation, especially for the victims of National Socialism, as well as support for other socially vulnerable groups of society.
Today «Mutual Understandng» unites 29 members from Belarus and Estonia. 17 employees (including board members and chair person) work for the Association. International Public Association «Mutual Understanding» is a legal entity, has the necessary accounts in Belarusian rubles and foreign currencies.
Improving the quality of life of older people and their involvement in the active social life.

Practical support for victims of National Socialism in all possible ways. Participation in improving the country’s social policy for the interests of the elderly, especially the WWII generation. Assistance in the development of the volunteer movement and charity, the creation of a positive attitude towards elderly age.
Promoting the development of a culture of memory based on European values (understanding through memory, lack of tools to create images of the enemy). Strugle against radical trends of society. Participation in the development of improved legal and other conditions for specific work of NGOs in Belarus, as well as assistance in the developing of civil society.
The basis of MOOV is the Branches created in accordance with the Statute of MOOV in Belarus, Estonia or in other countries (if there are three or more members). They have to act according the Statute of MOOV. The Branches of MOOV have the same goals and objectives as International Public Association «Mutual Understanding» and operates in accordance with its Statute. The structure of the elected bodies of the Branch is determined by the Statute of MOOV.
Main directions of work:
A program of compensations for victims of National Socialism and for citizens who survived the destruction of their homes and villages during the WWII. The funds are provided by foreign donors.
Realization of «Treffpunkt: Dialog» program in Belarus (organization of support for victims of National Socialism in various regions of the country through local organizations and initiatives).
Realization of projects in the interests of National Socialism victims and other representatives of WWII generation (projects of the development of volunteer work among the elderly, realizing the artistic potential of victims of WWII and other elderly people; «direct» individual assistance for limited mobile victims of National Socialism and support for their special needs, for example, payment for medical operations, rehabilitation etc.; projects to support organizations of victims of National Socialism as a manifestation of their activities, integrity and dignity).

Support for such organizations and WWII victims is also carried outside of the current projects: consulting and assistance on organizational issues; provision of space and other resources for meetings and events. Projects and events for the development and preservation of the culture of memory (conferences, discussions, etc.). Projects for the development of dialogue between different generations and anti-war education of young people. Cooperation with other NGOs and government agencies, government organizations; formation and realization of The coalition for Ageing with dignity.
Contacts Address:
Dziaržynskaha ave, 80-1N, 220083 MINSK, Republic of Belarus
Phone: +375 (17) 224 91 67
Phone / fax: +375 (17) 356 91 66
E-mail: info@moov.by
How to reach us:
Buses #28, 30s to the stop «Mižnarodny adukacyjny centr«. Trolleybuses #10, 25, 32,40, 64 to the stop «Praspekt Dziaržynskaha«. Metro to the station «Piatroŭščyna«